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Astrid Aillume's adventure in Copenhagen #denmark #copenhagen #aigallery

Why exactly did this mysterious billionaire invite me? Why does that portrait bear such an astonishing resemblance to me? I still haven't met the mysterious billionaire; he merely instructed his butler to hand some items over to me.Receiving the envelopes handed to me by the butler, I secretly speculated about what secrets might be hidden inside. Back at home, I opened the first envelope, which contained lots of gold coins used in England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Why did this mysterious tycoon give me this money? What kind of deep meaning did it hold? Questions echoed in my mind, unwilling to be dispelled by rational explanation.

My thoughts drifted to the missing pen. Was there some connection between the money and its disappearance? --Astrid Aillume

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